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Epastigel® (500 and 1000 milligrams) is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for reducing cardiovascular events and related mortality and in increasing blood triglyceride levels.

Eicosapentaenoic Acid 98%

The source used to make Epastigel® is the anchovy fish of the North, and due to the very short life of the anchovy fish (20 days), mercury does not deposit in its body, and the resulting oil does not contain heavy metals. 98% purity of the active ingredient in Epastigel has been obtained using advanced distillation technologies, and its purpose is to deliver the most effective dose of the active ingredient EPA-EE to patients and increase their acceptance and loyalty to the prevention and treatment of their chronic diseases.

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Pars Pharmed Aria Manufacturing and Trading Company is engaged in the fields of import, production and export of pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, antiseptic solutions and food. This company is currently trying to take a valuable step in the production sector with a team of university faculty members and experts in the pharmaceutical field. The efforts of the members of the company is to support and support people and patients at all times and enable people to access the best quality medicines and food at the lowest cost.

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